Antitrust Apostate
BOOK REVIEW: Edwin S. Rockefeller, The Antitrust Religion (Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 2007), 123 pages. $9.95 (hardcover).
When Ayn Rand published Alan Greenspan’s criticism of the antitrust laws in 1966, there were relatively few critics of antitrust, and certainly few lawyers and economists among them. Now there are many: mostly university professors, Austrian School economists, and writers for libertarian think-tanks. However, there are very few critics who are pillars of the U.S. antitrust bar. So it is quite significant to hear a rejection of the entire notion of antitrust from someone who is a former chairman of the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust Law with more than fifty years of practice in the field. Edwin S. Rockefeller is a venerable member of the antitrust establishment. For this, if for no other reason, his critique, The Antitrust Religion, is significant.
Oct 13, 2007

3 min