What would the Christmas holiday season be like without Frank Capra’s 1946 classic, It’s a Wonderful Life? For millions around the world...

What would the Christmas holiday season be like without Frank Capra’s 1946 classic, It’s a Wonderful Life? For millions around the world...
The Amazons, the ancients tell us, were a violent bunch. “The Scythians call (them) Oiorpata, or as it may be interpreted, men-slayers
In The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature, published in 1971, Ayn Rand articulated a simple framework for classifying art.
Science fiction reflects our hopes and fears for the future and, at its best, it offers an elixir of inspiration. On viewing the 1956 film F
Sometimes you might tell a little white lie because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. But the lies often end in tragedy...
The popular Disney kid-flick Zootopia does something unusual for Hollywood: it takes a swipe at government...
The Force Awakens recycles plot elements, scenarios, reveals, bar scenes, Death Stars, and surviving characters from the original trilogy
A Space Odyssey again on the big screen. That’s the best way to see this visually stunning cinematic poem, like I saw it during its...
If you’re a fan of Steve Jobs, the Apple co-founder and digital age revolutionary, you might find Steve Jobs the movie a bit hard to take...
The Martian, from director Ridley Scott, is an exciting film about an astronaut stranded on the Red Planet. It celebrates the heroism that
As work in robotics and merging man and machine accelerates, we can expect more movies on this theme. Some, like Transcendence, will be
Interstellar shouts to the world that Americans should be achievers, but then it steals from them the ability to succeed.Interstellar-movie
The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) has recently released a little-known monograph by Ayn Rand called "Textbook of Americanism." The
“Genie, you’re free.” In Disney’s Aladdin, those are the words in which the Genie learns that after thousands of years of being forced to...
The central plot device in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is the strike of the producers led by John Galt. And the essential purpose of the
I’m a big fan of the Cosmos reboot series, just as I was of the Carl Sagan original. But the host Neil deGrasse Tyson recently stumbled very
Bitcoin is a digital money sweeping the world and offering some degree of freedom from government currencies. It imitates the scarcity of...
Fox and the National Geographic Channel are broadcasting a reboot of astronomer Carl Sagan’s classic 1980 TV series Cosmos: A Personal Journ
Congratulations to Matthew McConaughey for winning the best actor Oscar for Dallas Buyers Club! The film and his fine performance highlight
Thanksgiving evening at home — snow on the ground outside, the hum of the dishwasher in the kitchen, half-eaten pies on the counter. The ...