أنتونيلا مارتي مؤلفة ومتحدثة دولية من الأرجنتين. قامت بتأليف العديد من الكتب، بما في ذلك الحرية: ترياق للفقر (2019)، الدليل الليبرالي (2021)، كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته (2022)، موضوعية: أسئلة وإجابات (2023)، أيديولوجيات (2024).
Before the government interfered, milk was already expensive, but people could buy it. Now there is only an insufficient amount of milk available. Therefore, total milk consumption falls. The next measure the government can resort to is rationing, but this only means that certain people get milk while other people get no milk at all. These were the exact words of Ludwig von Mises in his 1959 book Economic Policy .
Argentinian Antonella Marty is a recognized liberal intellectual, lecturer, political scientist and internationalist. "The facts show that where there is greater economic freedom there are better wages and a better quality of life," she stressed in her contact with Dinero. She was in Santa Cruz to present her book 'Capitalism: An antidote against poverty'.