Ideas and Ideologies

Ideas and Ideologies

Ayn Rand's Stamp on American Culture

January/February 2006 -- Although Ayn Rand was born a century ago, and although she died a generation ago, her philosophy of Objectivism is

Mar 28, 2011
Edward Hudgins
10 Mins
Hawley's Heroes and the Romance of Business

Imagine a novel whose mysterious main character you do not meet until page 236. He is reviled by some for his greed and destructiveness.....

Mar 25, 2011
Marsha Enright
Republican Statists: Back to the Future?

Fall 2006 -- As I was completing work today on this issue of the magazine, I received an e-mail announcing publication of Ryan Sager’s new

Mar 25, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
7 Mins
Private I: The Genealogy of Heroism

September 2007 -- The tradition of heroism runs as deep as any the West possesses. And that can be a problem for individualists—especially

Mar 25, 2011
8 Mins
The Hero with a Singular Face

September 2007 -- Roger Donway’s opening column this month on “The Genealogy of Heroism” offers a definition of heroism as “the choice of a

Mar 25, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
4 Mins
Inside "The Excuse-Making Industry" Part 1

On the night of October 1, 1993, twelve-year-old Polly Klaas—a pretty, straight-A student with laughing eyes and sun-streaked hair—was...

Mar 24, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
10 Mins
Ayn Rand's Persecuted Minority

Atlas Shrugged is an extended cry against the oppression of creators, most particularly businessmen: the Atlases who bear this world on thei

Mar 24, 2011
10 Mins
Are We All Libertarians Now?

November 2007 -- Brink Lindsey, The Age of Abundance: How Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture. (New York: Collins, 2007)..

Mar 24, 2011
10 Mins
Book Review: A Critique of Al Gore's Reason

The title of Al Gore’s new book illustrates why he is the perfect spokesman for the smug, soi-disant “reality-based community.” By calling

Mar 24, 2011
8 Mins
Book Review: Boys to Men

When I was a boy growing up in the suburbs of Baltimore, few songs stuck with me the way this one did. I think I was nine or ten, and upon..

Mar 24, 2011
Robert L. Jones
2 Mins
Sidebar: Postmodern Fallacies

Postmodern scholars assert the following contradictory claims....

Mar 23, 2011
2 Mins
Book Reviews: Verily Verily, Verily, Verily, Life is Not a Dream

The fundamental nature of truth was explained by Aristotle in Book IV of his Metaphysics, decisively and unforgettably, in words that are at

Mar 21, 2011
8 Mins
Book Review: "Crunchy Cons"

CCHBBGLOGEFRFHHMRWNLATDTOCCPTSAOALTRP is an extended moan against individualism, technology, the “cult of efficiency,” the free market....

Mar 21, 2011
Alec Mouhibian
7 Mins
Private I: Libertarianism: Bohemian or Bourgeois?

June 2007 -- When we measure the progress of a society by its growth in freedom, we measure it . . . by the greater power on the part of the

Mar 18, 2011
Roger Donway
9 Mins
Bobos, Liberaltarians, and Hippies of the Right

“Pretty soon [the young intellectual] will announce that it is time to reject the false choices of both left and right. We must all move

Mar 18, 2011
10 Mins
Much Virtue in "If"

July/August 2007 -- In recent columns and articles, I have found it useful to differentiate between bourgeois individualism and Romantic

Mar 17, 2011
8 Mins
Book Review: The Green-Eyed Monster

One of the book’s best chapters is “Under Capitalism Man Envies Man; Under Socialism, Vice Versa”—a title that calls to mind the pithy jabs

Mar 16, 2011
Bradley Doucet
7 Mins
The Gospel According to Jack Bauer

April 2007 -- A war of moral values is being fought on an unlikely battlefield: on the sound stages of “24,” the Emmy-winning Fox TV....

Mar 16, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
5 Mins
Book Review: Shall "the Permanent Things" Endure?

“Conservatism is too often a conservation of the wrong things,” said T.S. Eliot during a lecture in 1937, “liberalism a relaxation of

Mar 16, 2011
6 Mins
Inside "The Excuse-Making Industry" Part 2

December 2007 -- Editor’s note: Last month, Part I of the “Inside the Excuse-Making Industry” explained how, in the 1960s and 1970s, social

Mar 16, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
10 Mins

We promote open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom.