

The Major Virtues: Productiveness

Summer 2010 -- “’Value’ is that which one acts to gain and keep,” wrote Ayn Rand, “’virtue’ is the action by which one gains and keeps it.”

Apr 6, 2013
2 Mins
GOP Should Invite Social Conservative Extremists to Leave

Former Arkansas governor and presidential contender Mike Huckabee threatens that if Republicans embrace same-sex marriage and ignore the....

Apr 4, 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Vanquishing Earth Hour Darkness

have energy for every modern convenience, and to encourage us rededicate ourselves to unleashing even more of it....

Mar 22, 2013
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Ethanol Cronies Seek Antitrust Help Against Gasoline Company

Scott Zaremba has been trying to use gasoline as one ingredient in an ethanol product that competes with gasoline. Ethanol lobbyists say....

Mar 21, 2013
3 Mins
Francis I: Pope of the Poor

Francis I, the newly installed Pope, has called on Catholics to protect all humanity, “especially the poorest, the weakest, the least import

Mar 21, 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Cronyists Fight to Defend Cosmetology Licensing

Do you want the freedom to practice your profession without permission? Some cosmetologists in Indiana and Missouri don’t—and they’re...

Mar 19, 2013
3 Mins
Equal Injustice 50 Years After Gideon

Today is the 50th anniversary of the historic Supreme Court decision Gideon v. Wainwright , which established that the government, if it....

Mar 18, 2013
3 Mins
Sen. Ted Cruz takes Ayn Rand to Washington

One of my all time heroes, Ayn Rand, in Atlas Shrugged described how the parasitical class would put into place arbitrary power...

Mar 8, 2013
3 Mins
Hugo Chavez: Dead Demagogue

The world is thankfully rid of Hugo Chávez, the president and strongman demagogue of Venezuela. But it is not rid of the problems he...

Mar 8, 2013
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Aaron Swartz Had a Reasonable Option: Plead Guilty, Holder Says

Aaron Swartz wasn’t really in that much trouble, Eric Holder told Congress this week. Swartz, you may recall, was the Internet innovator wh

Mar 8, 2013
4 Mins
National Service versus America

If you know an unemployed college graduate under 25, Charlie Rangel has a job for him. And if you know an employed one—Rangel has a job for

Mar 7, 2013
Alexander R. Cohen
4 Mins
Obama offers more of the same failed education ideas

Sure proof of the failure of the country’s education system is the fact that Americans, the casualties of that system, could listen

Feb 22, 2013
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
The Perception of Causality (Part 2)

Our knowledge of the world, and our ability to act in it, depends on our grasp of causal relationships among things—the ways they act and...

Feb 21, 2013
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
Rand Paul: Reagan Was No Isolationist

Just a few years ago, if someone would have told me that a member of Ron Paul’s family would have been invited to speak to an audience of

Feb 7, 2013
3 Mins
Political Capitalism: Warnings and Reality

With the failure of the Bush/Obama stimulus and scandals with “green jobs” (Solyndra, etc.), crony capitalism has been on the hot seat. Big

Feb 4, 2013
2 Mins
Milton Friedman and Liberty

Atlas Sumit 2012 -- 2012 is the centenary of the birth of one of the greatest modern defenders of the free society, Milton Friedman...

Feb 4, 2013
2 Mins
Solar Power versus Trees

I am a critic of subsidies for green technologies. I don't think it is at all certain how efficient technologies like solar and wind power

Jan 22, 2013
3 Mins
Obama's Inauguration: Celebrating Enslavement

President Barack Obama’s inauguration for his second term was held on Martin Luther King’s birthday with Obama’s hand on King’s and...

Jan 22, 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Protecting Your Right to Protect

Today at noon, President Obama gave a long-awaited announcement saying that he intends to introduce legislation soon that would ban assault

Jan 16, 2013
Aaron Rainwater
Brits Escalate Global War on Producers

British Prime Minister David Cameron is urging the leaders of the major industrialized countries to engage in a concerted global war to...

Jan 8, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins

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